Name: Jingyun
Birthday: 28.05.94
Gender: Female, duh.
I LOVE Pink . Friends . Smile . Laugh . Play . Family . Cute stuffs!
& i believe wishes do come true
I want[wants]
Everythings to move on Happy 365 days twenty-4 hours 8760 minutes 525600 secs peoPle Smoking WorLd free of troubles EveRybody have FUN. SMILE
Time to pass slower, let happy moments stay longer
JAM JAM forever
Get good results
Reach my goals keep my promises till the very end!
IT's 2010!!! Just feel like 2009.... no difference yeah. school is starting sooooooooooooooooooon enough! do you feel the excitement???? today i learnt how to really cast a fishing line! cool right? & i caught my FIRST FISHY! HUMONGOUS with amber la & appearl. :D:D:D today randomly went to bottle tree cause we had nothing to do & decided to fish hahahahas new year eve went to marina square with Lin er & CYH COUNT DOWN. den went to Lin er's house play floor mahjong. hehes :D tomorrow having tuition and going finish up all my remaining homework! Yippppppeeeeeeeee.....! :D
hmmmm..... 2009 disappointing. :( starhub no celebration cause they are busy.. sad. remember 2008 so fun yeah . :) blahblahblah.. misses.... see ya at the end of this year. hahas! i meant PAY DAY! woots woots! couldnt wait for that day to come!
2009 holiday. i spent almost everyday working at starhub :D and of course play!! LOVE the chalet-stayings LOVE the rollerblading LOVE the fishing LOVE the shoppings LOVE the movie-watchings LOVE the sentosa-outings! It's all memories and fun! hahahahahahaha!
NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW. YEAR two thousand and ten.... i don't know what's in for me. but i know it will be a year that we gonna study! we must JYJYJYJYJYJY!
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